General Terms and Conditions Praktijk Terlouw

General Terms

These general terms and conditions apply to all examination and treatment agreements, both oral and written, entered into between the psychologist working at Praktijk Terlouw and the client.

Professional code

Psychologists work at Praktijk Terlouw according to the professional code for psychologists of the Dutch Institute of Psychologists.



The psychologist has a duty of confidentiality towards third parties and can only provide information to third parties with your permission. The psychologist is only permitted to breach this duty of confidentiality in emergencies.
Your consent is not required if consultation with colleagues is necessary, as long as those colleagues are
also bound by a duty of confidentiality.


If you have any complaints about the professional conduct of the psychologist treating you, it is recommended that you first discuss these with your psychologist. If you are unable to find a solution, please contact the professional association of which the psychologist in question is a member (NIP, P3NL).